A-Tek Circuit Technology Limited

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Service Items

Sourcing hard-to-find/shortage parts

Our professional team can find the parts you need urgently from our qualified suppliers worldwide to fulfil your production requirement.

Cost reduction

When you are confronted with purchase cost reduction, please contact us. With our worldwide supply channels, we have helped our customers achieve a cost reduction of 5-15% on their main chips.

Sourcing phase-out parts

With our worldwide supply network, we are also strong in sourcing EOL parts which are usually used for repair and old projects.

BOM kitting services

We help prepare material for your new project pilot or production with small lot size.

We can get the components of your BOM within 3-5 days.

Liquidate excess inventory

When you are facing overstock, please send us your material list. Our professional team will handle your inventory in time and help you liquidate your excess stock.